Tuesday, 19 March 2013

MPT1293 ~WEEK 5~


Content provides the bricks that build the pyramid, but the foundation rests solidly on both visuals and technology, with a  heavy reliance on economics to make our project worth doing.

Three parts of multimedia courseware :
 Information Design~FLOWCHART
 Interaction Design~STORYBOARD
 Visual Design~ PROTOTYPE 

For today class we learned how to make ours courseware flowchart. We had discuses and draw draftily ours courseware functionality and   the flow of ours courseware screen. In ours courseware there will be the montaj as the ours intro, main menu, skill, info, exercises and the rules. We also have to make sure that ours courseware is well structured, easy to navigate,  quick to download or display time, simplicity, clear and not to many choices, consistency build trust with the user and engagement invites the user to participate. 

There are five things to think about in the process of Information Design:
 Message : What information do you wish to share?
 Audience: Whom do you wish to share your message with?
 Purpose: How and why do you want to share your  message with the audience?
 Background: What does your intended audience  already know about the subject you are discussing.
 Structure: How can your message be organized most effectively?

Identify each main topic.
 Identify and Group together smaller sub-topics.
 Based upon the content, draw the order or sequencing of the Product.
 Make sure each topic is labeled.
 Systematically go through the sequencing
 Evaluate, Refine and Make Modifications as you go

So,for our team project we have to use all  learning theories in order to make the information design work.

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