Tuesday, 19 March 2013

MPT1293 ~Week 3~

Multimedia Development Process

Basically, a multimedia development process can follow a number of standard or specific frameworks, methodologies, modeling tools and  languages. 

For educational/training multimedia courseware, Instructional Design Model (ID Model) is a process
framework (general) that can be used.

There some examples of ID model:

The ADDIE Model

The use of an Instructional Design model, like the ADDIE model, provides a useful roadmap that ensures important aspects of course design are not overlooked when it matters most - before the course is delivered to students. These models assist a designer or instructor in taking a disciplined approach to identifying learning objectives, evaluating available resources, crafting appropriate lesson activities, and producing assessment tactics to ensure outcomes are measured.

Dick and Carey Model

The Dick and Carey Design Model uses a systems approach for designing instruction. One of the best known models, its approach to designing instruction is similar to that of software engineering. The design model describes all the phases of an iterative process that starts by identifying instructional goals and ends with summative evaluation. T

From all  the  ID models,we had to know what should we do on each of the stages,  base on which instructional  model that we selected. It is very important for us to follow the models in a way to make sure ours courseware development working smooth and systematic.  

Question for today:  Discuss which phase you think is the most important and why ?
Answer: Analysis, because it is the strong basic step and it also can determine what happen on the next stage.=)

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