Friday, 14 December 2012

Minggu ke 13

The Reflection on Activity 4
Back to what we had learned this week in adobe flash, application 4...There are  4 task given and I will explain each of it and provide the steps to create it..

Task 1
(Multiple Choice Question )
- This application will allow student to get the interactive feedback after answer the question.
1. Write the text question by using the “static text”
2. Create new layer and name it as button. After that create 4 button label it with alphabet A,B,C and  D.
3. Converted all button to symbol and choose button type.
4. Arrange the entire button neatly and put the textfield for the answer choice
5. Then, put another layer name respon and insert textfield then choose dynamic text. After that put one more layer name it  as action
6. Put this  action The action script:
            var respon;
            respon = " "

7. Put the  action script for button D  for the correct answer
on (release) {
            respon = "Congrates, Your answer is correct!";

8. Put the action script for button A, B, and C for the incorrect answers
on (release) {
            respon = "Congrates, Your answer is correct!";

8. Test movie (control enter)

Task 2
(Text Entry Question)
- Student can insert their answer by typing in the input text provided.
1. Create layer and name it as background and put the text for the topic n subject.
2. Create another layer name it as question and type the question
3. Put the text box and choose the input text and another but these times choose dynamic text.
4. Insert the play button from the button library.
5. Insert new layer name it as stop and put this action script by right on the layer and choose action.
var answer;
var respon;

6. Right click on play button and put this action script inside the button.
respon= "Salah. Jawapan anda "+ answer +" tidak tepat.";
on(release, keyPress "<Enter>"){if(answer=="melaka"){respon = "Betul";
respon= "Salah. Jawapan anda "+ answer +" tidak tepat.";
7. Input textfield name as answer and  dynamic textfield name as  respon  on the variable properties. Test movie

(Drag and Drop)
- To create more interesting Learning activity especially for the children.
1. Draw  a  tree and name the layer as tree. Then, convert to symbol and choose movie clip
2. Draw 3 apples and name the layer as apple.. Then, convert to symbol and choose movie clip.
3. Right click on each of 3 apples and select action, then put this action script
on (press){
4. tes tmovie

(Creating Main Menu)
- An interface for an interactive website to link from one scene to another scene
1. Create interface  menu and name the buttons in  website as "home", "news" and "about".
2. To link with another scene click  window>scene>duplicate scene> and name it as scene 1 and scene 2.
3. In scene 2 put the static textfeild  for  "news". On  the other hand, in scene 1 put the static textfield for “home". Put the  stop command on button layer and put this action script
5. Insert the  keyframe for each of layers on frame 15 in both scenes.
6. In scene 2 insert new layer name it as "new" and on the properties label name it as homepage. Put the stop command on button layer and put this action script
8. Right click on new button and put this action script in order to connect with the  homepage.
            gotoAndPlay("Scene 2",1);

9. Right click on home button and put this action script in order r to navigate scene 1
            gotoAndStop("Scene 1",1);

10. To connect with the same scene but difference frame, for the example, there are broadly in scene 2 there news and more latest news info. So, insert frame at frame 10 on new  layer  and name it as latestnews on  properties label. Then, create the button for latestnews in scene 2. insert dynamic textfield for latest new information. Put this the action script code to activate latestnews button.
on (release){
            gotoAndStop("Scene 2","latestnews"); }

11. The function of  About button to link with the other website . Right click ,choose action and put this action script with the  URL to be linking to.

12. Test movie

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