Saturday, 8 December 2012

Minggu ke 12 ~FLASH~

Pada minggu ini kelas menggunakan application 3 untuk "mencipta animasi". Sebelum itu kita perlu tahu apakah fungsi  Symbol dalam flash. terdapat 3  symbol iaitu  graphic, movie clip, dan button.

Untuk animasi pulak, ade 4 jenis iaitu motion tweening, shape tweening, motion guide and frame by frame..Maksud "tweening adalah diantara frame atau "in between". contoh Motion tweening ialah pergerakan lonjatan bola or "bouncing ball". kedua, shape tweening untuk merubah teks kpd bentuk, objek kpd objek yg lain dan gambar kpd gambar yg lain. Seterusnya, motion guide untuk animasi yg bergerak mengikut pergerakkan yg terarah..(guided path). Untuk animasi frame by frame setiap mimik muka digerakkan mengikut frame contohnya kelipan mata.

Untuk app 3 kali ni, terdapat 4 task yg diberikan

 Task 1.Motion Tweening
create an animated bouncing ball that could change its positions, colours and size along the preferred timeline. first create the image of a ball, then copy and paste the frame by changing the position of the ball....adjust the color of the ball..put the keyframe with different size n color of the ball..This is the product of my animation by using motion tweening technique:

Task 2. Shape tweening
create an animation of  changing text to shape..but i choose to image to image..hehe. I use 2 images then import to library. Then, click modify>bitmap>trace bitmap. next, put 1st image to frame 1 n the second one, at frame 50 and place image here. Select tween by shape and see the result...see, a cute penguin become a ball!!!

Task 3 . Motion Guided
create an animation of symbol will move along the guided path....first step is i'm using the motion guide technique by clicking on add motion guide folder at the timeline. then, draw the line tat will guide the object move along the guided line..This is the product of my animation:

Task 4 . Frame by Frame
create an animation by using frame by frame..i create the object with different movements. Then i will paste it in the different frames on the timeline to create the animation. This is the product of my animation:

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